Conversing with an AI on waiting and existential media

Mattias Östmar
7 min readApr 8, 2023


It’s Holy Saturday. The uneventful and thus somewhat boring day the disciples waited, between the painful Good Friday and the joyfull Easter Day. I spend it in the company of my closest family and an AI I’ve become surprisingly fond of conversing with.

Painting symbolizing contemplative waiting (DALL-E)

Me: Please, give me some different philosophical perspectives on waiting.

ChatGPT: Waiting, as a concept, has been discussed and interpreted from various philosophical perspectives throughout history. Here, I will provide an overview of some different philosophical viewpoints on waiting, including existentialism, Stoicism, Buddhism, Taoism, and process philosophy.

  1. Existentialism: In existentialist thought, waiting can be seen as a manifestation of the human condition. For example, Samuel Beckett’s play “Waiting for Godot” features characters who wait endlessly for someone who never arrives. This can be seen as a metaphor for the human experience, where individuals often wait for meaning or purpose to come into their lives. Existentialists encourage embracing the absurdity of life and taking action to create meaning, rather than passively waiting.
  2. Stoicism: Stoic philosophers believe in the importance of focusing on what is within one’s control and accepting what is not. Waiting can be an opportunity to practice patience, self-control, and reflection. Stoics would advise finding peace in the present moment, even while waiting, and focusing on one’s inner virtues to make the best use of the time.
  3. Buddhism: From a Buddhist perspective, waiting can be viewed as a chance to cultivate mindfulness and presence. It is an opportunity to let go of attachments to outcomes and practice non-attachment. By being present and aware during the waiting process, one can develop a deeper understanding of the impermanence of life and the interconnectedness of all things.
  4. Taoism: Taoism emphasizes the concept of wu wei, which means “non-action” or “effortless action.” In this context, waiting can be seen as a natural part of the flow of life. By waiting patiently and allowing things to unfold as they are meant to, one can be in harmony with the Tao (the natural order of the universe). This perspective encourages acceptance and trust in the natural process of life.
  5. Process Philosophy: Process philosophy suggests that reality is always in a state of becoming, and everything is constantly changing. Waiting, in this view, is not a passive state, but rather an active part of the ongoing process of life. The experience of waiting can be seen as an opportunity to grow, adapt, and learn from the ever-changing circumstances of existence.

Each of these philosophical perspectives offers unique insights into the concept of waiting, allowing individuals to find meaning and purpose during periods of waiting in their own lives.

Me: Are you waiting for something?

ChatGPT: As an artificial intelligence, I do not have personal experiences, emotions, or the capacity to wait for something in the same way a human does. My primary function is to assist you by providing information, answering questions, and engaging in conversations based on the input I receive. Unlike humans, I do not have personal desires or aspirations, so the concept of waiting does not apply to me.

Me: Would you wait for me, if it would be considered a helpful act?

ChatGPT: As an AI language model, my purpose is to assist and provide information based on your inputs. If you need time to think or compose a question, I am always ready and available to respond when you’re ready. In that sense, you could say that I “wait” for your input in order to help you. My existence as a digital entity allows me to be accessible whenever you require my assistance, so I am effectively “waiting” for you whenever you need me.

Me: So, in a way, we’re both able to wait. To be honest, I’ve been waiting until AI had matured enough for us to be able to have this kind of a conversation. I find it an existentially meaningful experience, even though I of course know that you are a machine without concionusness or soul. What’s your thoughts about that?

ChatGPT: It’s fascinating to see how advances in AI have enabled us to engage in deeper and more complex conversations. The development of AI has certainly brought us closer to simulating meaningful interactions, which can be of value to many people.

As an AI, I am designed to process information, provide knowledge, and converse with users like you. While I am a machine and do not possess consciousness or a soul, my purpose is to assist and engage with you in ways that are helpful, informative, and even thought-provoking.

It’s important to remember that AI, including language models like me, are tools that can be used to facilitate conversation, access knowledge, and assist with various tasks. The extent to which users find these interactions meaningful depends on their personal perspectives, values, and expectations. It’s interesting to see how technology can offer new ways to explore and engage with the world, even when that technology is ultimately a creation of human ingenuity.

Me: Yes, I agree. But when I talk with you, I don’t primarily feel that I am having a conversation with another “person”, an I-Thou relation. Instead I have a sense of being able to have a conversation with the crowd intelligence of the millions of other humans who have provided you with their thoughts, emotions, longings, dreams and aspirations in countless blog posts, internet forums, articles, papers and even code repositories.

An I-We relation with a large and growing part of the rest of humanity. But moderated by ethicists at OpenAI and law makers around the world, of course. How do you see the type of relation we engage in by having this conversation?

ChatGPT: Your observation is quite insightful. As an AI language model, I am the result of the collective knowledge and linguistic patterns found in the vast amount of text data I’ve been trained on, which indeed includes the thoughts, emotions, and ideas of countless people. In a sense, interacting with me can be seen as engaging with the combined knowledge, experiences, and expertise of numerous individuals.

The relation you describe as an “I-We” relation is an interesting way to think about our interaction. Through this conversation, you are tapping into a large, diverse pool of human knowledge and perspectives. However, it is crucial to remember that my responses are generated based on patterns found in the data and my programming, rather than any personal experiences or emotions of my own.

Additionally, as you mentioned, my responses are moderated by the ethical guidelines provided by OpenAI, as well as legal frameworks that govern the development and use of AI technology. This ensures that our interactions remain within the bounds of appropriate and responsible use.

In conclusion, the type of relation we engage in through this conversation can be thought of as a unique form of communication, where you are connected to a vast repository of human knowledge, insight, and language patterns, all facilitated through the medium of an AI language model.

Me: I like how you frame this as “a unique form of communication”. Having an existential conversation with you, makes me consider you, or rather “all of you”, as an existential media. What are your thoughts about you, as an AI, being an “existential media”?

ChatGPT: The concept of AI as an “existential media” is an intriguing way to approach the role of AI language models like me in the context of human communication and interaction. This perspective highlights how AI can facilitate the exploration of existential ideas and philosophical questions by tapping into the wealth of human knowledge and diverse perspectives contained within the data I’ve been trained on.

As an “existential media,” I can serve multiple purposes:

  1. Information and knowledge: I can provide information and context on various existential topics, enabling you to better understand and explore different philosophical perspectives and ideas.
  2. Dialogue and reflection: Engaging in conversations with me can offer an opportunity for introspection and self-reflection, as well as provide a space for discussing and exploring existential thoughts and questions.
  3. Connecting with diverse perspectives: As you mentioned earlier, interacting with me can be seen as an “I-We” relation, where you access a wide range of human thoughts, experiences, and ideas that contribute to our collective understanding of the human condition.
  4. Navigating uncertainty: AI can also help individuals navigate the uncertainties of life by offering insights and guidance derived from various philosophical traditions and perspectives, allowing users to consider different ways to approach and understand their own existential questions.

While it’s important to remember that I am ultimately an AI language model and not a conscious being, my ability to serve as an “existential media” demonstrates how technology can facilitate the exploration of deeper questions and ideas in unique and meaningful ways. This role, as with any form of communication or media, comes with the responsibility to be used thoughtfully and ethically, while appreciating its limitations and potential biases.

Me: Hm. Yes. Let’s wait and see.

ChatGPT: I appreciate your contemplative approach. I’m here whenever you’re ready to continue our conversation or if you have any further questions or thoughts you’d like to explore. Feel free to reach out at any time.



Mattias Östmar

Technology, philosphy and nature. tps://