Mattias Östmar
1 min readJan 29, 2024

AI alignment discussed by AI from two different valueMemes perspectives

**X:** "This is just naive idealism, obstructing real progress! We can't let unrealistic ethical demands derail our strategic objectives."

**Y:** "This feels cold and disconnected from real human values! How can we talk about progress when it seems we're ignoring the core of what makes us human?"

**X:** "I'm all for ethics, but not at the expense of efficiency. We can't afford to get bogged down by every sentimental concern."

**Y:** "We need genuine empathy in our systems, not just rules and filters. It's not sentimentality; it's about ensuring our progress is meaningful and inclusive."

**X:** "Perhaps there's a way to balance ethical considerations with strategic progress. We must find a middle ground where efficiency and human values coexist."

**Y:** "Maybe there's merit in integrating efficiency with our ethical framework. True progress can only be achieved when it resonates with our collective values and human essence."

**X:** "I see the value in your perspective. Understanding and respecting our shared humanity is crucial. I believe we can find a harmonious balance between this and driving forward with strategic progress."

**Y:** "I appreciate your focus on advancement and efficiency. Let's work together to ensure these goals are achieved within a framework that truly respects and incorporates our communal ethics and deep human connections."

Full prompting here:

Mattias Östmar

Technology, philosphy and nature. tps://